Use Arduino to generate PWM signals and control the ESC to realize forward and reverse rotation of the motor.

Geposted von Fengyukun am

Controlling a bidirectional electronic speed controller (ESC) using a PWM signal usually involves sending specific PWM values to control the speed and direction of the motor. Below is a simple example control code using an Arduino to generate a PWM signal and control a bidirectional ESC. Please make sure your bidirectional ESC is connected to the Arduino's PWM pin and powered correctly.

# include <Servo.h>

Servo esc;//Create a Servo object

invalid settings(){
esc.attach (9);//Connect ESC to pin 9 of Arduino
esc.writeMicroseconds (1500);//Initialize the motor to neutral position
delay(2000);//wait 2 seconds

Void loop() {
Int throttling = 1500; //Neutral position, motor does not rotate
esc.writeMicroseconds(throttle);//Send PWM signal to control the motor

//Delay for a while

//Accelerate the motor by increasing the PWM signal
throttling = 1600;

//Delay for a while

//Slow down the motor by reducing the PWM signal
throttling = 1400;

//Delay for a while

In this example, we use Arduino's servo library to generate a PWM signal and send it to the ESC. First, we connect the ESC to pin 9 of the Arduino and set the initial PWM value to 1500 microseconds, which is typically the neutral position of the motor.

Then, we enter the loop() function, where we can control the operation of the motor. We adjust the speed of the motor by changing the throttling variable to control the pulse width of the PWM signal. In this example we demonstrate motor acceleration and deceleration.

Note that actual PWM signal range and neutral position may vary between ESC models, so you may need to fine-tune based on ESC specifications. Additionally, this is a simple example, you can write more complex control code to meet your specific application needs. Make sure to follow the ESC and motor specifications.

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