Working principle of jet pump propeller

Posted by Fengyukun on

The working principle of jet pump propulsion is mainly dependent on its internal working mechanism and the action of external water currents.

These thrusters are usually mounted in the wake of the vehicle and are designed so that the contour lines of the rotor and stator are in line with the wake of the vehicle, thus effectively utilising the obstructed wake flow in the wake of the vehicle and improving propulsion efficiency.

The working principle of the jet pump propeller is mainly divided into the jet suction principle and the thrust principle.
Jet suction principle: the jet pump through the nozzle and the inlet pipe composition of the jet device. When the high-speed fluid through the nozzle outflow, in the throat to produce a low-pressure region. This low-pressure region makes the fluid from the inlet pipe is sucked into the jet device, and high-speed fluid mixing to form a mixed fluid, and then the mixed fluid into the outlet pipe.
Push Principle: Shock and push forces are generated when the mixed fluid passes through the jetting device. The shock wave makes the velocity of the mixed fluid decrease while the pressure increases, thus achieving the effect of pressurisation. At the same time, due to the principle of conservation of momentum, the shock wave of the mixed fluid also generates the opposite thrust, pushing the jet pump in the opposite direction.

In addition, the jet pump propeller is also widely used in high-performance ships, such as skiffs, wave-piercing boats, hydrofoils, hovercraft and other medium and high-speed ships. This type of propulsion uses a pump or other device mounted on the ship to eject water backwards, using its reaction force to propel the ship forward. Manoeuvring of the vessel is achieved by distributing and changing the direction of the jet by manipulating the rudder and reverse rudder equipment.

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